An athlete in the park takes a breath as he works out using PowerBlock adjustable dumbbells.

How To Transform Your Body

I have a friend named Dave.  He is a former active duty U.S. Marine.  Not long ago, Dave learned the hard way, the importance of the first step in body transformation.

Dave weighed 328 pounds and because he didn’t first focus on getting in the right mindset, he almost gave up and threw in the towel.  Before he did, however, he reached out to me and I am so glad that he did.

Dave, through the years, had lost 20 to 30 pounds here and there — only to gain it back time and time again.  He eventually made up his mind that it was not possible for him to ever get to his desired weight and body fat.

Then I got the call.


Since that phone call, Dave has lost over 100 pounds.  And kept it off.

His life has changed, and Dave will never go back.  He did all of this because he gained the power of knowledge.

In other words, Dave acquired a clear understanding of exactly what he wanted and what was required to get what he wanted.  Dave also began to understand what realistic goals were, how much time was required to reach those goals, his current condition related to those goals and one last super big thing:  Dave finally fully grasped what true commitment was.



Your want:

Establishing specific goals are important.  Instead of saying “I want to lose weight”, make it very clear-cut and say “I want to lose 10 pounds of body fat while maintaining muscle mass.”



Once you have established a specific goal and are expecting a specific result, it is time to focus on how that goal is achieved.  What is the required process?



Losing 2 pounds in one week is possible by a simple combination of reduced energy intake and increased energy output that equates to a 7000 calorie deficit in that time period.  That is something that is manageable, especially for a person who is eating 2800 calories per day.  A reduction to 1800 per day should yield a 2 pound weight loss.  Losing 20 pounds in one week is a different story.  That would require a 70,000 calorie deficit over one week.  Not practical and not safe.  Keeping realistic expectations will help in your planning process.


Your current condition:

A person weighs 200 pounds and they want to weigh 148 pounds.  That comes to 52 pounds of weight loss.  A goal of losing one pound per week means that it will take them one entire year to reach their goal weight.  For some folks, this is enough to not even make the effort.  But think about one year of yo-yo dieting instead — never reaching a goal and never feeling as awesome as you know you can.


Your willingness to commit:

Many people will skip Day Zero and go straight into Day One, not realizing or understanding what they’re doing.  And also not understanding the physical and mental work required, the length of time required, or the reality of it all.


So, before you start, master the #1 step to help you transform your body:  Transform your mind to a mind of knowledge and empowerment.  From there, all else follows.

Stay Fit!

About the Author:

Kelly Harris

Kelly was raised in Oklahoma and played all the school sports. He is a retired U.S. Army Veteran and former Army Chef, who is currently employed with the U.S. Department of Defense. Kelly also is a part-time Fitness Coach (formerly a ISSA Certified Personal Trainer), helping others live a fit lifestyle through proper diet, exercise, and mindset. He earned the Army Physical Fitness Excellence Badge and has trained numerous soldiers and civilians in reaching their fitness goals.