Level Up: Best Core Workout with Kettlebells
If you’re trying to prime your core for athletics or general fitness, the kettlebell is a great place to start. This kettlebell core workout includes five exercises that will ratchet up strength and improve stability for all sorts of movement.
Getting PowerBlock adjustable kettlebells will let you adjust the weight to match your current needs. Plus, you can do a kettlebell core circuit anywhere that’s convenient, including your home, the beach or a hotel room.
Kettlebell Core Workout Notes
- Go slowly and prioritize correct form to reduce injury risk.
- Your feet should be shoulder- to hip-width apart unless otherwise noted.
- Aim for 12-15 reps with each exercise.
- Start with one circuit and lighter kettlebell weights. Gradually build up to three circuits with higher weights.

#1: Kettlebell Swings
- Place a kettlebell upright on the floor and stand behind it.
- With your back flat, bend over and grab the kettlebell handle in both hands.
- Raise the kettlebell to knee height, then swing it back between the legs. Bend the knees slightly as you do.
- In one motion, straighten your knees and hips while swinging the kettlebell back upwards until it points straight out.
#2: Double Kettlebell Squats
- Grab a kettlebell in each hand with the weight against the back of the forearm.
- Hold the kettlebells against the front of your shoulders with palms in and elbows pointing towards the floor.
- Perform a squat by pushing your hips back, bending your knees and keeping your back straight. Don’t let your elbows touch your knees or thighs.
- Raise yourself back up by pressing into the floor using your heels.
#3: Kettlebell Romanian Deadlifts
- Stand with knees slightly bent and a kettlebell in each hand. Your arms should be relaxed with the kettlebells in front of your quads.
- Bend forward by “hinging” your hips and pushing your posterior backward. Keep your back and arms straight and your core tight.
- Stop when you feel a stretch in your hamstrings.
- Drive through the heels to raise yourself back up.
- For added difficulty, do a single-leg deadlift by shifting your weight to one leg raising the other one straight behind you as you lower the kettlebells.
#4: Kettlebell Overhead Squat
- Place your feet slightly wider apart than for a normal squat.
- Hold a kettlebell in one hand and raise it directly over your head with the arm straight.
- Perform a squat as you would for the double kettlebell squat. Pause briefly before raising yourself to the starting position.
- Do half the reps with the kettlebell in one hand and one with the other hand.
#5: Kettlebell Press-Up to Sit-Up
- Lie face-up with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Use both hands to hold a kettlebell against your chest.
- Press the kettlebell upwards until your elbows are straight.
- Perform a sit-up while driving your feet into the floor and raising the kettlebell above your head.
- Slowly lower yourself to starting position.
- For added difficulty, hold the kettlebell in one hand or a kettlebell in both hands.